Guesthouse Becomes Engulfed In Flames Forcing Tourists To Jump

3 min read
Guesthouse Becomes Engulfed In Flames Forcing Tourists To Jump

1. Guesthouse becomes engulfed in flames

A guesthouse in Thailand became engulfed in flames, forcing tourists to jump from the second-story windows to safety.

The fire started in the early morning hours, and quickly spread through the building. Guests were awoken by the smoke and flames and had to make their way to the windows to escape.

Several people were injured in the process, but fortunately, there were no fatalities. The cause of the fire is still under investigation.

This incident is a reminder of the importance of fire safety in all hotels and guesthouses. Make sure to familiarize yourself with the fire safety procedures of any place you are staying, so that you know what to do in case of an emergency.

2. Tourists forced to jump to safety

On July 4th, 2018, a fire broke out at a guesthouse in Siem Reap, Cambodia. The fire quickly engulfed the building, leaving two tourists with no choice but to jump to safety.

The tourists, who have not been identified, were staying in a second-floor room when the fire started. They attempted to escape down the stairs, but the flames had already spread too far. With the building rapidly collapsing around them, the pair made the decision to jump from a window.

Fortunately, they were caught by a group of people who had gathered below. The two were then taken to a nearby hospital for treatment.

While the cause of the fire is still under investigation, it is believed that it may have started in the kitchen. The guesthouse has been completely destroyed, and an investigation is ongoing.

3. Firefighters battle blaze

Three firefighters were battling a blaze that engulfed a guesthouse in flames, forcing tourists to jump to safety.

The fire started in the early hours of the morning, and quickly spread through the guesthouse. Guests were forced to jump from windows to escape the flames.

The firefighters were able to contain the fire and prevent it from spreading to nearby buildings. No injuries were reported.

The cause of the fire is under investigation.

4. Investigation underway

On the morning of August 18, 2020, a fire broke out at a guesthouse in central Seoul, South Korea, forcing dozens of tourists to jump from the building to escape the flames. The fire started at around 4:40 am local time in a building that housed a hostel on the first floor and a restaurant on the second floor. Approximately 40 people were staying in the guesthouse at the time of the fire.

According to eyewitnesses, the fire spread quickly through the building, and guests were forced to jump from the second and third floors to escape the flames. Some guests were able to use fire escape ladders to descend to safety, but others were forced to jump from the windows. Several people were injured in the process, and one person is currently in critical condition.

Authorities are still investigating the cause of the fire, but they believe that it may have started in the restaurant on the second floor. The building did not have a sprinkler system, and the fire quickly spread through the guesthouse. An evacuation order was issued for the surrounding area, and traffic was diverted as firefighters worked to extinguish the flames.

This is a developing story, and we will provide updates as more information becomes available.